Thursday, September 30, 2010

My learning in the first session

I dragged myself to class today knowing that it was math class. All this wile I had a phobia for math. I thought to myself "How am I going to survive this course?" When I arrived at the classroom door, I heard lots of laughter. Just a week ago I heard many classmates whining about this math course. I was surprise to see all the happy faces the moment I step into the class. After I sat in for awhile, I felt relieved. Dr Yeap's humor had eased my worries of his math class.

The video on the dice trick left me a deep impression. I was so amused to find out how Dr Yeap knew the covered numbers on the dice. I love playing with dice but it has never strike me to think of such an activity. This video also taught me that how a teacher should facilitate children in solving a problem. Instead of revealing the answer, Dr Yeap had facilitated the children by asking them questions and building on their understanding of the problem. I believe that the teacher's role is to facilitate learning. Learning may be facilitated by directing children's attention to objectives, posing questions, encouraging children to relate information to their prior knowledge, logical sequencing of content etc.


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